Community Pastors support Lake Meadows Fireworks Display
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Community Pastors were out in force at Billericay's Lake Meadows Fireworks Display on 2nd November, our first public event following our launch in June. A team of about a dozen were pleased to support organisers Rotary Club, event stewards and emergency services by providing wristbands for small children, enabling parents/carers to be contacted should their offspring become separated. Our gazebos, stationed at the car park entrance, also acted as a vital rendezvous point. There were many positive comments about our friendly sky blue uniforms welcoming visitors to the park. We're delighted to report that there were no lost children. However, we were able to reunite an expensive smartphone with its owner! A spectacular evening featured a science fiction theme and our volunteers were spotted posing with Darth Vader. We trust they weren't going over to the Dark Side!
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Community Pastors launch in Saffron Walden
A small but dedicated team of volunteer pastors has faithfully patrolled the streets of Saffron Walden for the last eleven years. We are delighted to announce that from Friday 15 November, the Saffron Walden team will now come under the Community Pastor banner. They will operate with our full support and we know that the team's valuable experience will be an asset to the Community Pastor project. Join with them to celebrate their launch on the 15th. Click on the poster for full details >
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